Here at Kilrush Community School, the wellbeing of both students and staff have always been a priority. We aim to create a school environment which supports the social, emotional and physical wellbeing of the whole school community.
The school’s Code of Behaviour and policies are in place to safeguard student’s wellbeing and are reviewed on a regular basis.
A whole-school approach means that wellbeing is promoted and supported across all subjects and classrooms. Wellbeing forms part of the curriculum as a stand-alone subject in 1st year. Other subjects within the Wellbeing Programme include SPHE, CSPE, Guidance and PE. These form part of the new Junior Cycle programme which places a large emphasis on wellbeing as part of the curriculum.
The Pastoral Care team play a significant role in supporting the needs of students. For more details on this click here.
A variety of events throughout the year also promote wellbeing across the school community. For example:
- Cyber Safety Talks
- School visits e.g. Community Garda
- Stand Up Week
- Mental Health Week
- Christmas Concert
- Retreats
- School Trips
There are many opportunities for students to get involved in school life and develop skills that promote both their own wellbeing, as well as the wellbeing of others. Such opportunities include:
- Choir
- Sports Teams
- Mindfulness & Meditation
- Student Council
- Junior St Vincent DePaul
- Retreats & Team Building Days
- Christmas Concert
Wellbeing theme at KCS 2023 - 2026
Having Surveyed parents, students and staff, the wellbeing priority for our next three year cycle (2023 to 2026) is Inclusion.
All stakeholders felt that a culture of Inclusion was crucial to success at school, for all.
On the back of this we are working hard to embed Active Methodologies across our curricula, which are proven to boost student wellbeing and engagement, through teacher CPD, working groups and idea sharing initiatives for staff.
Our Language Dept ran an incredible week at the beginning of December celebrating the 12 Languages spoken at KCS and the fantastic diversity of culture and experience in our school community.
Our School Chaplain and School Completion team have established a lively games and social room, for all students who wish to attend at lunchtimes.
We will continue to share our 'Inclusion' initiatives through a bi annual newsletter for staff and community members.
Ni neart go chur le cheile,
The Wellbeing Team