Kilrush Community School

School Sports Scholarship

School Sports Scholarship

Pictured above is the very deserving winner of the 2023 Sports Scholarship: Gerard Dunne.

School Sports Scholarship

Fifteen years ago, we set up a School Sports Scholarship here in KCS to acknowledge and reward a deserving member of our Graduation Class. This Scholarship is awarded based on involvement in our school sports. Our 2024 School Sports Scholarship is being very kindly sponsored, once again, by Versiv Composites Ltd, Kilrush and we are extremely grateful to them for same.

Each year, it proves to be a very difficult task to select just one person from a very talented group of athletes and this year will certainly be no exception. When selecting our recipient, we look for a student who:

  • has excelled in the sporting field, representing this school, over the past five years
  • someone who was motivated and dedicated to training and who showed great determination and character in the competitive environment
  • someone who was a good team player and who also showed admirable leadership skills when required
  • someone who showed respect at all times to coaches, teammates and the opposition and who was always willing to help out and give back
  • someone who worked hard in school and was respectful and cooperative at all times to all members of our school community.

In general, we acknowledge an athlete who has been a great role model in and ambassador for this school, in school sports, over the past five years and who we are confident will continue that role in the future.

Kilrush, Co. Clare, Ireland V15KT04
065 905 1359
© 2024 Kilrush Community School